Photos just in from One Eco Home of a low carbon ‘Retrofit and Replicate’ interior which they were asked to design for Hyde homes. Spot Mogwaii pebble lamps and lumbar cushions in the scrumptious linden green.

Spot Mogwaii lumbar leaf cushions in the distance
Mogwaii lumbar leaf cushions in the distance
and the pebble lamps which I never did see complete as they were sent straight from the drum maker to client.
and the pebble lamps which I never did see complete as they were sent straight from the drum maker to client.

I remember working with that glorious green (see cushions complete). How I would relish another opportunity…hint!

The eco re fit seems to have attracted not only political attention (the new concept in carbon efficient housing will be monitored by the government to assess whether it could be a model for future developments in housing), but also a media flurry for TV or radio to coincide with the governments launch of the low carbon homes strategy on the 16th December.

Well done Hellen and Kate…a job beautifully executed as always!

It just occurred to me: Is execute (kill) and execute (carry out) spelt in the same way? I’m feeling a little nervous now. OK..I’ll word it a different way.

Well done Kate and Hellen…another stunning interior!

Posted by:mogwaii

Born: 13th March 1969 in Edinburgh Star sign: Pisces Where do I live? An beautiful island called Lismore Who with? I live with my gorgeous man - Yorick, and my beautiful boys Ruben (currently 14) and Tom (10) and we also have cat poppy, cat Bashy and cat Spyro. What do I do there? Water veggies in the polytunnel, loads of mopping up, picking up clothes, cooking and washing dishes. The rest of the time I'm in a blissfull state in my studio making things out of wool and designing the next must have (in my head!) and a lot of cycling to and fro My favourite Books: Right now...empowerment books like "The power of now" and "The Secret", but also John Fowles "The Magus" and "The kite runner" and I love the "Tao of Poo" My Favourite films: Babettes feast, Wings of desire and The colour of Pomegranites. My favourite music: Bach cello suites for designing, Dolly parton for making (especially her album Little Sparrow), Teddy Thompson and loads of other stuff! What did I do before moving to Lismore? * Went to school in Edinburgh (South Morningside primary then St. Mary's music school and then George Watson's) * Went to Brazil for a year, fell in love, learnt Portuguese and spun a lot of wool * Studied foundation in visual arts in Manchester poly and then went on to study BA Hons in textiles at Goldsmith's college * Made felt hats, sold them at Camden market and then eventualy Liberties and had Ruben in the midst of it all - moved to Pathhead * Tom came along and I stopped making hats. sung lots of Jazz, taught Brazilian and samba singing, recorded an album and started singing with La Boum * Tom went to school and I set up Mogwaii * Moved here in 2006 There you go!! xx Sarah (from left) Ruben, me and Tom (from left) Ruben, me and Tom

One thought on “Low carbon retrofit

  1. These are beautiful! I, too, love that green. I inherited this love from my mother. Thanks, mom!

    And thanks Sarah for fulfilling my green need šŸ™‚

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